36 Crazy Fists

nu hardcore

36 Crazy Fists

A Snow Capped Romance is a romance with people, places and situations... a romance with life itself for 36 Crazyfists' vocalist Brock Lindow. "The last record (Bitterness The Star - 2002) had more...

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    From First To Last

    "Kill the lights!" a growling throat commands just seconds into From First To Last's monumental debut Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Bodycount. And it's in this darkness that FFTL's magnetic amalgam...

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      Twelve Tribes

      Based in Dayton, OH, Twelve Tribes are among the numerous metalcore bands that came out of the Midwest in the late ‘90s. Twelve Tribes (whose influences have ranged from Zao to Slayer to Hatebreed)...

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