Stoner & heavy rock
Stoner & heavy rock
soul-jazz icw B9000 (Slum Village, usa)
Post-rock-jazz by Chris Withely's liveband
hiphop/reggae Hollands most interesting exportproduct since Urban Dance Squad, presenting their new album live on stage ! LIMITED TICKETS
Thé live-sensation of 2003 !!! Icw Charlatan
Hiphop/turtablism OPEN CLUB DAY in all clubs member of the circuit (www.clubcircuit.be)
Drummer from KYUSS, FU MANCHU and MONDO GENERATOR, and with ex-members of DINOSAUR JR. Icw Charlatan
Take-off concert of Castro's tour trough Belgium & Holland !
Second chapter of this succesfull low-fi drum & bass event The first D4MD (with DIGITAL) was quite a succes. This time we chose an old factory to be the crimescene of the second edition.