Cloud Control(AU)

Cloud Control is een alternatieve rockband bestaande uit Alister Wright, Heidi Lenffer, Jeremy Kelshaw en Ulrich lenffer. Voor ze de wijde wereld in trokken, waren ze een groepje jongeren die elkaar leerden kennen op de hogeschool in de Blue Mountains, dichtbij Sidney, in Australie. In 2011 kwam hun eerste album tot leven, Bliss Release. Het debuutalbum won de Australian Music Prize en sindsdien is hun touren nooit meer opgehouden. Het afgelopen jaar speelden ze op festivals zoals Reading, Leeds, SXSW, Latitude, Field Day, Splendour in the Grass enz.

Twee jaar later brachten ze hun volgende album uit nl. Dream Cave op 9 augustus 2013. Pitchfork was alvast aangenaam verrast door de uitstraling van de single 'Dojo Rising': "The psyched-out artwork and the free 1960s fonts logo on Cloud Control's debut album, 2011's Bliss Release (also: the title), pretty much told you what was going on inside the box before you heard a note: their woozy Tame Impala-meets-Fleet Foxes vibe came as no surprise. What is refreshing is that the first single from the follow-up (Dream Cave, due this fall) sees the band shut its shared third-eye to focus somewhere a little more present: namely, the romantic, professional, and personal fuck-ups of singer Alister Wright. 'Dojo Rising' is a fine downer hymn, a small, grey, circling cloud of tremulous guitar and steady, splattering cymbals. "I could beat myself down/ You don't need to bother," Wright sings in a voice that suggests he's already made serious headway in that respect."