Peter Pan Speedrock (ned)

Peter Pan Speedrock considered to find a kindred spirit with Tomas Skogsberg in their search for the ultimate band sound. It only took a few hours in Sweden to find out, that Tomas could produce an exceeding sound, that surpassed all their expectations. For years, Peter Pan Speedrock has been known for their heavy and thundering live-sound, which seemed to be a ‘mission impossible’ to record in a studio. Skogsberg is known for the rewarded sound on albums of the Hellacopters and Entombed, so he was the right man for the job. The Swedish rock&roll animal pushed the band the to max, with no room for consessions and a focus on a high level. This objective for perfection has ended up in a record, which outperformces all records before, on all elements: recordings, mix, production and mastering. Tomas Skogsberg is not the producer of the digital era; he records all channels on seperated tracks in an anologue way. Working on coffee and cigarettes, he can spend hours on his home-made console to assemble the right accents in recordings and mix. During four weeks in his small studio, the synergy between band and producer consistently growed and their cooperation turns out to be a natural one. Apart from this, the band has learned a lot from his experience and his detailled way of working, which can also help them forward on other areas. Too bad, there’s no time to lay back and enjoy the new record. Straight back from Sweden, they had to perform 3 days at the sold out Jack Daniel’s Rock Nights, followed by some German shows and a Texas-visit. Their schedule promises a life on the road for the next months, visiting all area’s of the Netherlands, alternated with nice highlights like the TurboJugendTage in Hamburg. Their worldwide fanbase keeps on growing and is very loyal to the band, who always provide a show with a lot of dedication and interaction.Despite this, the band has no intention to adapt sound, lyrics and music to enforce a break-through to the major crowds: the heritage of the rock &roll is in trusted hands with them. Though there’s no central theme on “Spread Eagle”, the band has deceided to print their lyrics in the artwork for the first time. Their songs are more or less about the experience-world of their fans and themselves, with topics like women, beer, lust for life and sincerity. There’s one exception with a song about influences and consequences of religion and retardation, which shows a more critical view and statement on society. Musically, the band persuades with a crystalclear, dead honest and melodic sound; rock like it was meant to be. With a significant difference: you really have the feeling that they’re playing live in your living room! Peter Pan Speedrock live is still a smashing experience, based on their energetic performance. Their European tour in autumn also showed their growing fanbase across Europe and will bring them back in these countries in 2006.