The Grave Brothers (bel)

First the music, then the credits,... As countrymusiclovers; these guys wanted to start up a new band. But not regular country NO, they wanted to make it trashy and mix it with psycho/rockabilly and garage influences,... Just in bein' a truely young band they started rehearsing only since half August 2006. They finished their first gig still lookin' for a suitable name at the Beat Expo-fest named as 'Thee Kickbacks'. After lotsa persuation the band found a name true to the music they're writing: 'The Grave Brothers'! 'The Grave Brothers' would like to thank everyone for the add and ask a little bit of patience. They'll keep you informed on their works,... Have a nice day,... Grtz. For those desperate to hear what we're all about; March will be the start of it all! Gigs are coming in and by the end of the month we will record some stuff! All for you to enjoy! yes, you can thank us.......cheers! GRAVE BROTHERS are: JENZ "VON TRAPP" DW (Fifty Foot Combo, Andrews surfers,...) Double Bass// YVES RIGAUX (ex-Anytime, Los Putas,...) Vocals// DAVID THYS (ex-Unite Against Society, Mudmen,...) Drums// SASCHA REYNDERS (ex-Goblin,...) Guitar// DAVE 'GRAVE' HUBRECHTS (ex-Thunderheartmachine, Diablo Boulevard,...) Guitar