Turbo Ac's

Take punk rock by it's energetic roots, put it together with intense surfguitar twang, add honest lyrics that scream "live to win!" and you've begun to describe the turbo-sound! You can hear nods to the Misfits in their contagious sing along choruses, along with inspired music that has been described as Dick Dale meets Motorhead. The Turbo A.C.'s, even truly being out of New York City, never try to wave that pretentious "NYC band" flag, as a matter of fact when asked in interviews, "what's it like to be a NYC band?" Michael Dolan will always reply," we're not... we're an international rock and roll machine!!". Feelings aside, the A.C.'s did get their start in NYC blowing away crowds at the legendary CBGBs and gaining respect from all sides, doing shows with Social Distortion, Sick of it All, even No Doubt. It was back in 1996 when world famous NY hard-core label Blackout records founder Bill Wilson (and huge turbo a.c.'s fan,) put out the first Turbo A.C.'s LP "Damnation Overdrive". Despite the uphill battle that lay before them the A.C.'s believed that they had something more to offer than the most of the faceless punk bands out there and toured the US and Europe with little to no label support. They even got stuck squatting in and Italy while shows we're canceled due to bad promoters. The band endured, and adopted the skull and monkeywrench as their logo, representing the music as well as a symbol of the hardship. In 1998 after another touring of the US and Europe and building a strong grassroots fanbase, they found a new, more fitting record company with super garage and punkrock label Cacophone records. Being longtime fans of The Turbo A.C.'s, Cacophone gladly released "Winner Take All". With this album, the turbo-sound really took off and critics and fans responded! Gearhead magazine called it "brilliant!...a younger hungrier Supersuckers", Flipside, and many fanzines featured the band, and it wasn't long before the skull and monkey wrenches appeared painted on many leather jackets. The popularity of "Winner Take All" even got the Turbo's invited to play the '99 Warped tour in Germany. Even though things were looking up the monkey wrench would still rear it's ugly head, and the A.C.'s would have to rise above. Once they even had to use duct tape to rig their nearly totaled van to dangerously continue a European tour. After a productive year of touring the states and Europe, friend and fan Roger Miret of the NY/HC heroes Agnostic Front, stepped in to produce the next Turbo A.C.'s album "Fuel For Life". This album of the hardest hitting Turbo A.C.'s material to date caught the attention of the folks at Nitro records. "Fuel For Life" opened up The Turbo A.C.'s to Nitro's much younger audience, also many tracks were used in Video games, TV Shows and Extreme Sports programs. The Turbo A.C.'s faced another uphill battle 1st, having to survive a nearly fatal crash in the mountains of Wyoming which totaled their van and trailer, then touring in the shadow of 9/11. Despite the crashes and catastrophes, the A.C.'s persevered and completed a very successful east coast tour w/ Flogging Molly as well as touring all of Europe and the UK on the "deconstruction tour" w/The Bosstones, Lagwagon, and H2O. Whether The Turbo A.C.'s are back where they started on the east coast playing basement punkrock shows with the Dropkick Murphys, or on stage in front of 10,000 people at a festivals in Europe, the style and integrity remains intact, the songs are fuel for life, and the message is live to win! Now the A.C.'s have traveled to Los Angeles CA to record the new album "Automatic" with none other than the notorious Blag Dahlia of the Dwarves stepping in as the producer. Mixing credits go out to Billy Milano. This album draws from elements of all 3 of the earlier full length albums while pushing the Turbo A.C.'s even further into the future. "Automatic" promises to be sonicly and substantially the biggest Turbo A.C.'s album ever! Vinyl comes with a bonus track; the limited first CD pressing includes a temporary Turbo AC's logo tattoo.